Basic Instructions:

All papers must be uploaded to the congress page under the following specifications:

Copy on magnetic media in PDF format 12 Point Times New Roman Font.

The purpose of these instructions is not only formal, to achieve uniformity in the presentation that facilitates the classification and publication of the papers, but mainly methodological, to collaborate with the author in the logical ordering and comprehensive presentation of his paper.

If the paper is selected to be presented at the congress, the presentation must be made in the institutional template of the congress in PowerPoint for Windows which will be published on the Congress page.

Specific Instructions:

All papers presented at the event must be submitted in a timely manner to ACIEM for publication, taking into account the basic instructions regarding title, headings, style, references, numbering of equations and pages, symbols, abbreviations and acronyms, illustrations and summary of the author's resume.

Writing and Formatting

The paper must be written in two columns in letter size format. Top margin 2 cm, bottom margin 2.5 cm, right margin 1.5 cm, left margin 3 cm, space between columns 1 cm.

The paper must be written in SINGLE SPACE. Use one and a half spaces before and after underlined titles and subtitles and to separate paragraphs.


Center the title on the first page so that it crosses the top portion of both columns, within the two columns. The title must be written in upper and lower case letters. The author's name and workplace address should be on separate lines in upper and lower case letters.

Any questions? Contact us and we will guide you:

+57 310 218 79 14


Steps for sending papers:

Download the format of the Guide for presentation of papers (Click here).

Upload the job in the following application: Job Submission System. (Which you will find on this page).

For further guidance: /

Job Submission System

Select Paper (PDF) *